Mahsa’s Method

Getting Down to the Heart of the Matter

My Proven Method to Create Happiness,
Wholeness & Healing


You begin by telling me what’s going on. This “intake form” will take you no more than 10 minutes. You tell me what you are seeking a solution for, about your pain or illness, about your past doctors, your diet, and a few other pertinent questions.


Next, we’re going to talk about you. We’re going to review your “intake form” and any diagnostic tests, blood work, or labs together. We’re going to make sure I have the big picture and the up-close-and-personal viewpoint about your mind, body and spirit. Call it a “Consultation.”


I’m going to do a “Zone Check-Up,” which is where I do a thorough examination of your body systems; the glandular system, elimination system, nervous system, digestive system, muscular system and circulation system. Followed by nutritional response testing to detect any chemical, metal, viral, bacterial or other environmental infections. By the time I’m done, we’ll know what’s going on with you, physically, emotionally, nutritionally, and even metaphysically (This is where my intuitive-knowing steps in and shines a light on something essential to your healing. Some of my clients seek me out just for this ability).


Next, I’m going to tell you exactly how we’re going to get you well, restore you to great health (And get the joy and fun back in your life!). The solution will address the root cause and with three different pathways:
  1. Balance Your Physical Body (And your metaphysical)
  2. Remove any toxic chemicals
  3. Restore Your Energy with the right Nutrition

The first 4 steps above are what you can call “Physical Renewal!” This might be enough for you.

Or you might feel so good you want to proceed into phase 2,
“Emotional/Spiritual Renewal!”

This process is born out of everything I’ve learned from my 15  years in professional practice, my schooling, and my personal journey through illness and ailments. It’s proven to be a lifeline for countless patients who could not find solutions elsewhere. It’s worked for those who had given up on hope.

Oh, and one more part of the process…. I give you my cell phone number. Because when you want to talk to your doctor, it’s important you can.

Click here to discover how we can work together,
and you can read inspiring stories and results of my clients here.